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Logical Statements

Here are 5 explicit statements with 2 inferred.

1. Zika Virus is a Flavivirus (explicit)

2. West Nile Virus is a Flavivirus (explicit)

3. Flaviviruses are Arthropod-transmitted viruses (explicit)

4. Arthropod-transmitted viruses are transmitted by Arthropods (explicit)

5. Mosquitos are Arthropods (explicit)

6. Mosquitos transmit Zika Virus (inferred)

7. Mosquitos transmit West Nile Virus (inferred)


There are several possible benefits that these triples offer patrons. One benefit is offering a knowledge base for getting more precise results in search. For example, if someone were interested in exploring more about mosquito-borne diseases or what kinds of insects are responsible for the transmission of Flaviviruses, the triples above could guide inquiries to proper resources by leveraging the inferences in 6 and 7. Rather than relying on a keyword search approach that may or may not draw out the connections between mosquitos and these particular diseases, the triples offer a knowledge base to assist someone exploring the knowledge on this topic.

A second benefit is serendipitous browsing, perhaps aided by visualization techniques. One may be browsing about mosquitos and come across the fact that they are part of the Arthropod group that's responsible for the diseases above. The triples (explicit and inferred) would allow a user to explore these connections and the information resources whose metadata leverage these connections.

A third possible use case could be a question and answer system that people consult for which insects spread which diseases. If the triples were more complete to offer information about insect population patterns, migration, disease symptoms, etc., this could actually be quite robust in all three of the benefits above. Furthermore, the repository's metadata could also be linked to other LOD resources to ensure more use in other general search services such as Google, making wider use possible. The idea of patron then becomes less confined to users of a particular repository and more to a search service and the web of data it accesses.